Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Did go and fish the Hanak Grayling Festival at Llangollen a few weeks ago and what a competition 18 teams of 3 caught 321 fish in Baltic conditions and the best fish was caught by Robbie Winram a 49.2 cm fish. There were 98 fish between 40-50cm. Team winners were 1st Wales Adams 2nd England Black Gnats 3rd England Dunkelds.
I controlled the last session on Sunday and I have never been so cold on a river bank- everything was freezing even my lucozada froze.
Lets hope the weather improves soon and Yasmin gets her wish!!
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Grayling weekend
To everybody on the course yes he did find it after the weekend!!!
Two days of good fishing on the Maelor beats. We fished the golf course on day one and concentrated on CZ nymphing with indicator cast and the French leader. The best catch of the day was shared between myself and Rob. He did try and push me in after I handed him the rod with the fish on the end of the line. I was taking pictures of Kenny up river of Rob and trying to explain to him how to track the nymphs down river but he could not quite master it so I took the rod and showed him only for a nice grayling to take the fly where he had been fishing for a while!!! Kenny could not stop laughing while the air above Robs head turned BLUE!!!!
The next day we fished DoleIsha and concentrated on fishing the braid as well as river craft. All in all a very successful weekend so much so that we have arranged another date 15-16th January. If you are interested in joining both John and myself drop me an email.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Just thought I would do a quick report on the Irish Fly Fair held in Galway over the weekend. First of all why do I and technology not get on!!!!! Got to Manchester airport only to be blocked on my way into the CAR park could not find my booking reference!!! then could not find me!! Well I knew where I was as I was stuck by the barrier as I told this Edjut on the intercom!!! Finally left in and everything else went smoothly. Arrived at the hotel to see Stevy Mun running around like a headless chicken but everything went with out a hitch. That does not come by accident it comes by careful planning so a great thanks must go to Hugh and Grace and all the staff from Mara Media who ran the event.
Oh yea have to thank Stevie as well for volunteering me for the MC job Thanks mate!!! The show was great with fly tiers from all over Europe and I think this show will go from strength to strength.
Had an early start to the airport only to wait there for a few hours for the plane. Got back to Manchester without a hitch but again spent 15 minutes at the Car park barrier trying to get out. Going to take a chain saw with me next time and if they cant find my reference that barrier is going Down!!!!
Thursday, 4 November 2010

Puddleduck fishery. What a day with the Afan boys from Port Talbot. We spent the morning on the grass concentrating on casting and everybody improved their distance and accuracy. Then we descended onto the lake and all hell broke loose with rods bent all over the lake. I did not know who to help first. What a great day with a good bunch of lads on a great fishery. I will be back there soon. The fish above is a good double figure fish which was returned quickly to fight another day.
After this I had a week off and went on a barge trip with the whole family and Paul's family, 7 people on a barge was great fun especially when we struggled to get to Elmsmear before it got dark. The thing is there is no speedo on the boat so you dont know how fast you are going. On the way back to Chirk we saw a Salmon trying to run the overflow on the canal !! yea I know sounds far fetched but we took photos to prove it. Pick is of fish on its way back down the overflow.
Just spent the last day re-arranging the grayling course on the Dee as it was supposed to be on this weekend but due to the floods we have had to postpone it until 20-21st November.
Off to the Fly Fair in Ireland next weekend cant wait.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
After that it was off to Grafham to fish the Fry bash comp where you fish one day on Grafham and the next day on Rutland. Two days of fun and fishing. Day one on Grafham was good but very frustrating as I lost far too many fish in play. We spent all day on the North Shore just fishing in bays and by far the best fly was a tequila blob booby which accounted for most of the fish. There were bank anglers around and the ones that were successful were shuffling their feet to kick up the shrimp then walking out of the water and fishing where they had been standing. It was then off to Rutland but this was a different prospect flat calm for some of the day and very hard fishing. I managed to winkle one out as did my boat partner and what a fish a 5lb11oz fin perfect rainbow and what a fight, but the best fish was a 6lb10oz rainbow caught by Browns Island. Coming home I had the trip from hell car overheated was stranded on the hard shoulder of the M6 but managed to nurse the car as far as Telford but then had to be towed back home and arrived home around 1am. A word of caution here if you belong to a breakdown service through your bank "Check the FINE print" in the agreement as you could find yourself not covered and having to pay a lot more than you expected.!!!
Monday, 11 October 2010
Next I was teaching Patrick on Ravensthorp and what a great fishery ideal small water for someone who wants to try boat fishing without being daunted by huge expanses of water. The water was not clear and the fishing proved hard but best method I found was washing line on a floater and a very slow retrieve.
Then it was off to Pitsford resy to do 2 days Pike filming It was tough on day one strong winds and bright sunshine but Antony did manage to catch one. Day 2 was far better but there could have been a bit more wind. We did manage to get 4 fish to camera and finish the DVD.
After this it was back to Granffrwd to teach Jonathan and we had a good morning but struggled in the afternoon. As I said before fish small flies on light tippet for the best results.
Tight Lines
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Isle of Lewis trip
After a 3 hour drive to Manchester an hour’s wait I started my trip to The Isle of Lewis. The first hurdle was to get through Flybee check in and to my astonishment they charged me £30 extra to get 2 rods into the hold- "sporting equipment " but after 2 short flights and a little bumpy landing I had arrived .
We started the first course at 5.30 in windy condition and just to make it more difficult it rained as well after 3 hours we went inside and did theory for an hour. The next day Ian and I spent the day fishing for salmon and I managed one tough day but there were a few fish about. Then in the evening it was the second course and we did it on the football pitch under floodlights a great evening even though it was raining.
Thursday Ian, Eric and I went fishing and boy what a day 7 salmon and a few lost we had to leave the river as I had to go and teach the last lesson and it was very hard leaving the river when it was full of fish, but we just about made it with 5min to spare.
I flew back on Friday and went straight to Harewood house for the Yorkshire Game Fair and it was a good weekend except when I opened my rod tube to do the first demo on Saturday only to find the Flybee had smashed my rod in transit, thankfully I had put a spare in the car.
Thank you to everybody who attended the courses and to everybody who and watched the demos at the show.
Monday, 20 September 2010
After that it was off to Higham Lake in Newcastle do do an open day so it was a 3am start and a long drive but the day was great dry with some strong wind!!. Not as many fish caught as last year but still a good day and a long drive home at night.
I then taught at Garnffrwd where the fishing was challenging but enjoyable and Geoff had a great day catching some beautiful browns my best fish was a brown around 3lb what a great looking fish.
I was then out on Rutland with Andy and what a tough day- very strong wind and the basin was out of bounds due to the big wave-the South arm looked more like the North Sea with white horses all the way up, so we spent most of the day fishing up the North Arm all the way down from the Transformer just doing shortish drifts keeping in the lee of the bank. There were some big fish hitting fry all the way down but it was the case of being in the right place at the right time. Luckily we did and caught some nice fish. Best flies were white minkies as well as a black blob on the top dropper. It was a good day in testing conditions.
The next day I went to see the start of the International match on Trawsfynydd and was going to be taking a few photo's but one of the boatmen did not turn up so I ended up boating for the day. It was a nice day with Spencer Williams ( Wales) and Nick Dunn (England) . It was a very close competition with Scotland and England catching 60 fish Wales 57 and Ireland caught 37 fish. Scotland came out on top only by 5oz.
After this it was off to the Midland Game Fair Tanya and myself spent over an hour putting the awning up as she is only 6 it was a tough job.
The next two days we had great demos and the PAA coaches were there teaching children how to catch fish and it was great to see the smiles on there faces when they did catch. Thank you to everybody who came and said hello and to everybody who supported the area.
Just been teaching this morning and had a few hours out in heavy rain oh the joys!!!! Now packing my stuff Flying off to the Isle of Lewis in the morning cant wait
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Its been a few day's since my last post and it has been a hectik week or so. First Yas and I travelled to the Fenland Fair early hours of Sunday morning and had a great trip 4 hours from home to the show!!! Boy the rods were quiet. The show was spoiled a bit by showers on the Sunday one while we were doing a demo and guess who forgot his waterproofs!!!
The two day show was well attended even with the gale force winds over the two days- some gazebo's were blown away on Sunday and sleeping in a tent was an adventure even had to put the car as a wind break.
Then it was strait off to the Dee to guide Ren seen above with one of his grayling all caught on dries. Best fly was black F fly size 18.
I went from there strait to Rutland to practice for the Lexus final, two days of great fishing followed by a frustrating two days of competition. The first day I was out with John Emmerson and had a fantastic time up in Manton catching over 15 fish on a floating line and nymphs unfortunately half way through the next day it colored up and was no good for the comp. Day two Steve Peart and myself found a lot of fish in the dam as well as Old Hall flats.
So on comp day I went off to the dam and had a very frustrating day with fish after fish being lost only to end the day with 7 fish. Day two was much the same but not as many fish hooked and lost. Best method was intermediate or midge tip with a booby on the point with nymphs up the cast
The eventual winners were Tight lines with a great second day performance Second was Rio Masters and third were Nymphomaniacs that makes it two Welsh teams in the top three well done boys.
Sunday, 22 August 2010
It was then off to Plas Tan y Bwlch for a weeks residential fishing course. Day one we were at a small fishery and had great sport with everybody catching fish- then we fished Morwynion a mountain lake above Blaenau and boy it was tough.
We then fished Trawsfynydd and again it was hard- the fish had gorged themselves on Ants a few days earlier and were not in the mood to feed.
We spent the last 2 days fishing the Maelor stretch of the Dee and had great sport with good grayling being caught of dries. We had a young lad Jamie who was 16 and it was a great pleasure to watch him learn and mix with the group. Good luck yo him in September as he will be fishing the Welsh trials for next years Youth team.
After that it was home for a 3 hour stop to unload a load again to go to Gallaway Country fair. We finally got there at 1am.
The show was very busy and I taught a lot of people on both days but the highlight for me was seeing Tanya my youngest cast a 12ft6in Salmon rod in the main arena for the first time " That's my girl"
Its a few days at home now with the kids then off to the Fenland Fair ocer the bank holiday- might even take the girls fishing.
Friday, 13 August 2010
Then it was off to Manchester to pick up Ant Glascow Pike specialist and off to Estwait lake. We had 3 days full of fun and had great fish for camera 3 double figure fish- but boy the one that followed Ant's lure was a monster he reckoned around 30lb I think we will go back later in the year to see if we can catch her!!!.
I caught my biggest fly caught fish 15lb and what a great fish
Drove Ant home only to be stuck in traffic in Manchester Oh the joy to traffic!!!!
Just packing now to go to the North Wales Fly Fair and on on Welsh TV tonight talking about the fair. Then its off to Plas Tan Y Bwlch to teach all week in North Wales. Lets hope the ewather is good.
Thursday, 5 August 2010
The Lakes hold some big hunters!
This DVD is going to be something a little different and a whole load of fun.
Time for the teacher to become the student.
Ssshhhh we are hunting some big predators and you will be able to follow us as we do right here on the blog, twitter and on facebook....
I will try to secretly film us filming this top secret programme and I might leak some behind the scenes footage just for you guys.
Wish me luck...
Monday, 2 August 2010
Then it was off to Melton Hall Game and Country Fair near Kettering. A good show but not a lot of people attended which is a pity as a lot of work had gone into organizing the event. Early start on Saturday 4am then slept in a tent on Saturday night thank god the weather was kind.
Getting stuff ready to go to Norway now for a show in Elverum over the weekend.
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Its been a hectic few weeks and not had time to sit at the computer.
First I was guiding on Trawsfynydd which was great fun fishing with Ed Daws and the lake fished brilliantly. Fish all over the place. Best method was an intermediate line a cat booby on the point and dries up the cast fish were taking all 3 flies. Then it was off to Stocks for the Lexus and what a win over 20lb ahead of the second team. Star man and top rod was Mark Howard with 6 fish so consistent as he had 6 fish every day in tough conditions. Best method was woofta booby on the point with WF blob on the top dropper well that was my cast but Mark has the WF blob on the point with 3 dabblers up the cast on a cortland blue.
Then it was off to the Royal Welsh Agricultural show 4 days 2 demos a day plus commentating on the coracles and gun dogs which ment 3 hours a day on the mic which was a strain on the voice ( most of my mates would say I was in heaven!!!)
Then it was straight to the CLA Game Fair which was a great show. Yasmin was ill with tonsillitis and had to be taken to casualty but she was a star as she did all 6 demos over the weekend and even came up with a party piece to end our demo where we have a salmon rod each then both of us did a back cast then swapped over rods to do a forward cast( That's my girl)
Tanya also did all demo's and the crowds reaction was fantastic when she walked into the Main Arena or the platform.
Spent yesterday with Jesper fishing the Wye before he goes back to live in Denmark and boy the fishing was great. Most of the fish came to small F dries but the biggest came to a hares ear bug. Sorry about the quality of the pic but it was taken on my phone. All in all we had over 50 fish most on dries. A great day with and old mate
Monday, 12 July 2010
Then it was off to teach in Germany-Hamburg to be exact two days of teaching in extreme heat, Sat was far too warm but at least Sunday was bearable. On the way home I was up graded by BA and had a very pleasant flight home pity it was so short. Then down to Buckland lake fishery to teach with the Kent Disabled anglers. A great day with great people at a great fishery. Then it was supposed to be the drive from hell !!! so I thought!! Around the M25 onto M3 and the A303 to call into Avon Springs- No traffic jams at all and this at 5 o clock!!!!!
Finally got home at late o'clock only to get up this morning to drop Yas off at School at 5.15am so she could catch the buss to go on the school trip to France!!!
Cant sleep at the mo so I am working on a new exciting project with BEARLEFT.TV for a new DVD - should be a good one, anybody know of any good Pike waters let me know.
Off to Trawsfynydd tomorrow guiding then onto Stocks for the Lexus.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Tuesday I was at Garnffrwd teaching Jeff and it was a tough day with only a few fish caught all day but the weather was hot.
Thursday and Friday I was on the Dee and had a great day with Steve,Steve and Tim who had never fished the river and the river did not disappoint. The best fish was caught on bugs on Dole Isa stretch under the farm. It was a grayling of over 2lb. We also fished the golf course stretch and caught some nice fish.
After this it was off to Rutland to practice for 2 days before the Anglian Water Northern final on Monday. Saturday I was out with Paul Shaw and caught 4 fish in 10 minutes great start to the day but it went down hill very quick with only 5 caught all day.
Sunday I spent the morning in the basin- thanks captain I certainly had the short straw here the wind was strong and I even jammed the drogue in the engine and had to cut it out.
Match day I was drawn with Steve Cullen ( Editor of Total Flyfisher ) and we started in Carrot creek then the peninsular and I managed to get 2 fish. We then went up the North to the transformer where I had my 3rd fish total luck as the fish just swam away with the flies.
Steve then went on dries and pulled it back to 3 all but I finally got one last fish on a midge tip and nymphs. This was after loosing what Steve estimated as a 5lb fish. Its always the big ones that get away.
The team did not do well and for the first time in years the Ospreys will not be in the International final. Congratulations to every team who qualified especially team Vision who were 20lb ahead of everybody. A special mention about Chris Guthery's bag as he caught 8 fish for nearly 30lb all on dries.
Off in the morning to try and catch Bass down Pembrokeshire will let you know how I get on next week
Monday, 28 June 2010
After the hustle and bustle of the Welsh Game Fair it was nice to get back to guiding and I was on the Usk and Wye foundation Water at Ty Newydd below Builth Wells with Alan. This stretch is beautiful and produced great fishing even in the low water we have at the present. Best flies were gold head hares ear. Wednesday saw me down at our lake Fishpembrokeshire- 2 acre lake with a group learning how to cast. Its great to see how quick people take to fly casting and some of the group mastered the double haul by the end of the day.
Friday saw me back at the Wye with Mark and we had a great day plenty of fish and wonderful weather. He did take a quick dip early on but was fine after that. On my way home I stopped to catch some of the Commonwealth championships which were being fished just above us on the river. It was a privileged to watch John McCallum from Scotland fish his beat where he had 19 fish in 3 hours. Great angling by a great fisherman.
Saturday I was on Llandeg guiding Bill and his partner Linda - we had a casting lesson first on the grass and all went well. We then ventured out on the boat and boy it was hard. The Celtic league were fishing at the same time and due to the heat not many fish were caught.
Sunday I had the pleasure of teaching Alan from London and we had a great day not many fish but hey its not all about catching.
Monday, 21 June 2010
Welsh Game Fair
The most interesting part for me was on Sunday when I was roped in to help the coracle display as they were short of people to go on the river. Having not been in one for over 15 years it was a bit scary and the one I used had a hole in- He told me that the hole was there to let the water out !!!!
I am sure that people watched to see if I would fall in!!!
A big thank you to everybody who came to watch the demo's even those who were laughing at me in the Coracle.
Ladies International
Great Weekend
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Frantic few Day's
Friday saw me down at Garnffrwd teaching Wayne and we had a good morning but the fishing was tough very tough!!!! Best method was fishing an egg fly under a bung- NOT us I may add. After a morning's tuition it was back home to Guide Andre and his mate Gaz on the Upper reaches of the Teifi. This was a set up for Gaz as he had no idea that this had been arranged and the look on his face was priceless. I live only a stones throw from the river but have not fished it for years due to it being polluted a few times, but had heard a few rumors that the old girl had started to produce fish again. Well they were correct we had a great evening with great sport on Dry fly. Now you can see its not the biggest fish in the world but to us it was a beauty. Gaz fished the run you can see behind and caught this one but the one that he spooked was far bigger. I will be back down there soon to try and catch the one that got away.
After a late finish it was a 4am start on Saturday to drive to Barnsley for thw Wentworth Castle Game & Country Fair. Saturday was a bit quiet and Sunday it rained most of the day but the people did come out even in the bad weather and there was not a white trainer in sight.
Monday I was on the Dee in North Wales guiding Peter and Phill now both of them are on a 6 week trip fishing around the UK. They had been down to Devon - South Wales and after our day on the Dee were off to Ireland then Scotland. Two nicer people you would not meet and it was a pleasure to share their company on the beautiful Dee. I only wish that the fishing was better but we did land a grayling of over 2lb and some nice trout. The water authority have been releasing water from Celyn and it is dirty and has spoiled the fishing for the last few weeks. Why oh why do they do it and why don't they tell the fishing clubs.
Got to go now and pack- off to Avon Springs in the morning and then Stocks for the Anglian Water comp cant wait
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Yorkeshire Game Fair
The first day was very windy but at least the rain kept away and there were good crowds for all the demo's. We enjoyed a great BBQ thanks to Rob and Michelle from Carrilon on Sunday night and bedded down on site in our tent.
Monday the weather gods were kind to us and the Sun came out to play, there were more people and everybody had a good day.
Thankfully all the traffic on the way home was going in the opposite direction and we were home in a little over 4 hours.
To everybody who came down to watch the demo's Yasmin and I would like to say thank you and we hope to see you next year.
Open Day Fish Pembrokeshire
Unfortunately when we got up in the morning we were faced with heavy rain and strong wind. I can say that everybody who attended and fished enjoyed the Fishery and had some great sport with the best fish landed weighing over 3lb.
Highlight of the day for me was watching my youngest daughter Tanya catching her first trout of around 2lb- the look on her face was brilliant.
To all who attended thank you and I look forward to seeing you on 2 Acre lake soon.
For more info please visit
Today was a guiding and casting day at thank god one of them went well. I was teaching Steve from Hartfordshire who was really looking forward to fishing the Dee. We started the day concentrating on casting and boy what a quick learned he picked up every cast I taught very quickly as well as mastering the double haul- well done mate.
Its a pity that I cant say the same about the fishing- for some reason the water authority had been releasing water from Trewerin and it had introduced all this sediment into the river which put off all the fish. Why oh why dont they inform people so that we can re arrange and go fishing elsewhere, it took Ken Bathers who is the chairman of the club 3 days to get an answer from the Environment Agency boy they need to buck up there ideas.
Well at the end we did get some fish and it was an enjoyable day.