Puddleduck fishery. What a day with the Afan boys from Port Talbot. We spent the morning on the grass concentrating on casting and everybody improved their distance and accuracy. Then we descended onto the lake and all hell broke loose with rods bent all over the lake. I did not know who to help first. What a great day with a good bunch of lads on a great fishery. I will be back there soon. The fish above is a good double figure fish which was returned quickly to fight another day.
After this I had a week off and went on a barge trip with the whole family and Paul's family, 7 people on a barge was great fun especially when we struggled to get to Elmsmear before it got dark. The thing is there is no speedo on the boat so you dont know how fast you are going. On the way back to Chirk we saw a Salmon trying to run the overflow on the canal !! yea I know sounds far fetched but we took photos to prove it. Pick is of fish on its way back down the overflow.
Just spent the last day re-arranging the grayling course on the Dee as it was supposed to be on this weekend but due to the floods we have had to postpone it until 20-21st November.
Off to the Fly Fair in Ireland next weekend cant wait.
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