Its been a hectic few weeks and not had time to sit at the computer.
First I was guiding on Trawsfynydd which was great fun fishing with Ed Daws and the lake fished brilliantly. Fish all over the place. Best method was an intermediate line a cat booby on the point and dries up the cast fish were taking all 3 flies. Then it was off to Stocks for the Lexus and what a win over 20lb ahead of the second team. Star man and top rod was Mark Howard with 6 fish so consistent as he had 6 fish every day in tough conditions. Best method was woofta booby on the point with WF blob on the top dropper well that was my cast but Mark has the WF blob on the point with 3 dabblers up the cast on a cortland blue.
Then it was off to the Royal Welsh Agricultural show 4 days 2 demos a day plus commentating on the coracles and gun dogs which ment 3 hours a day on the mic which was a strain on the voice ( most of my mates would say I was in heaven!!!)
Then it was straight to the CLA Game Fair which was a great show. Yasmin was ill with tonsillitis and had to be taken to casualty but she was a star as she did all 6 demos over the weekend and even came up with a party piece to end our demo where we have a salmon rod each then both of us did a back cast then swapped over rods to do a forward cast( That's my girl)
Tanya also did all demo's and the crowds reaction was fantastic when she walked into the Main Arena or the platform.
Spent yesterday with Jesper fishing the Wye before he goes back to live in Denmark and boy the fishing was great. Most of the fish came to small F dries but the biggest came to a hares ear bug. Sorry about the quality of the pic but it was taken on my phone. All in all we had over 50 fish most on dries. A great day with and old mate
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