Well the dust has settled after the open weekend in Glasgow and I just thought I would share this picture with you as it made me very nervous- its Phil Varney from Venyard getting ready for something!!!!!! Seen here in his best boiler suit and black rubber gloves!!! Be scared be very scared!!!
It was a fantastic three days and I would like to thank everybody who came down to the canal to watch my demo's as it was cold down there.
It was great to catch up with people that I have not seen in a while and great to see new products that I had not seen before. Nice to see the new eyed heads from Tubeology- they should make great pike flies. David from Bugbond was tying some great sea patterns and I have set him a challenge to see if he can use his bugbond to make some special shuttlecocks- will let you know how he gets on. Saw some nice new products from Simms and cant wait to get my hands on my new G4 jacket. Also picked up Wychwood's new wader bag- great product as I am fed up of putting on wet and damp waders every time I go fishing. Just put them in the bag and hang it up hey presto dry waders in the morning. I have been told that they have a white reel coming out soon and I have put my name down for one of those. ( I can hear you now "tackle tart" yes I am just like every other fishermen)
It was very humbling weekend for me being asked for my autograph by kids and having my photo taken with them. This is something I will never tire of and it is so important nowadays that we take time to encourage children into the sport.
The highlight of the weekend for me was being asked to be an Ambassador for the young peoples charity "Get hooked on Fishing ." If you want to know more about the charity visit their website and if you can help get in touch with them. http://www.ghof.org.uk/index.htm
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