Pictured left is Nick with a great fish from the Dee in North Wales. He was on the Grayling weekend I ran last weekend. The pupils came from far and wide to learn all different techniques from CZ nymphing with indicator tips, using the French leader set up as well as fishing with the braided cast for those difficult to detect takes.
All the participants were put through their paces with casting and shown all the casts they will ever need in the future. The two days were tough fishing but everybody caught but Nick's was the best. On Saturday night John Emmo did a fly tying demo and then allowed everybody to have a go for themselves.
It was surprising how two fishing days were so different as on the Saturday all the fish came to a dull pink shrimp but on Sunday all the fish came to a red tag caddis tied on a jig hook fished deep.
All in all a great weekend with everybody enjoying themselves and learning new techniques. The next course will be run in April dates to be confirmed and if you want to know more please drop me an email at info@hywelmorgan.co.uk